Privacy Policy

One of the main elements of the Bons Casino is the Privacy Policy. It is applied to absolutely every customer, and it is necessary to agree with this policy when you create an account. The Privacy Policy tells users the information they provide to the Bonus Casino Indian company and how it is used. 

How The Data Is Collected

There are different ways the Bons Casino company collects your personal information. Here are they:

  • Data provided by a user. The name and surname, postal address, phone number, and other primary info. During the verification, the photos of documents are also sent;
  • Data that is collected automatically. For example, the IP address. It will be collected after visiting the website, and the activity on the site will also be tracked. It includes preferences in casino games and types of sports, your average gambling session, and other info.

How The Information Is Used 

First of all, you should know that usage of the user’s data is a very important point for the company to provide high-quality services. As an example, when the activity of users on the website is tracked, some special analyses and reports can be made, so that it will be possible to improve gambling features.

There are several cases when the personal information is shared with third-parties by Bons Casino India:

  • Service providers. There are companies that help Bons Casino to provide different features on the site. The list includes Gambling Providers, Payment Services, Live Chat providers, Email distributors, and others;
  • Law enforcement officials. There are rules that oblige the company to provide personal information to officials in different cases. According to the Anti-Money Laundering Policy and Know-Your Customer Policy the data will be provided to fight against fraudulent activity;
  • Responsible Gambling. Bons Casin India can also share users’ information with special organizatiions and other gambling companies. The data is shared according to the Responsible Gambling Policy. And it helps to prevent gambling by minors and self-excluded users.

Protection Of Data

The company is obliged to protect players’ personal information. Many protection methods are used, because Bons Casino India wants every customer to feel safe while gambling and betting.

The first point is about servers where all the data is contained. All the servers of Bons Casino use modern encryption that protects them from hackers and leaks of information. The company also uses SSL security connections that are certified by the GoDaddy Authority.

Changes And Deletion

All the personal data on the Bons Casino India can also be changed by the user. For example, if you have a new name, surname, address, and phone number, you can contact the Support Service and provide them with this information to change.

On top of that, the account and the personal data can be completely deleted from the company’s servers. It is done when the user closes his account and deletes it. For this procedure, you will also need to contact the Support Service.