Support Service

Online support is one of the services offered on the Bons website and is available for every user from India. The main aim of the Support Service is to provide gamblers with answers to the most important questions and also to help with some troubles. 

The Support Service is a special Bons Casino team that works 24/7 to help everyone on the Indian website. Even if you are not a registered user of the website, you can contact the Support Service to get guidance for the registration process. The Support Service assists players with the gambling process, and self-exclusion features. It also can change personal data and delete it.

Ways To Contact The Support Service

On the Indian website, every user can get help 24/7, and you can contact them using different ways. So that every user will be able to choose the most convenient way to have a conversation and get help. Here is the table with all the available options.

Live ChatThe Live Chat feature on the website is available 24/7. Just click on the orange “Live Help” button on the right side of the page.
Form on the siteYou can also use the “Contact Us” form at the bottom of the site. Enter your name, and email, and send your message.
Social mediaIf it is more comfortable for you, you can use different social media such as Telegram, Instagram, and Twitter(X).